Source code for marcxml_parser.query

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Interpreter version: python 2.7
# Imports =====================================================================
import remove_hairs
from remove_hairs import remove_hairs as remove_hairs_fn
from remove_hairs import remove_hairs_decorator

from .serializer import MARCXMLSerializer

from structures import Person
from structures import Corporation
from structures import PublicationType

# Variables ===================================================================
remove_hairs.HAIRS = r" :;<>(){}[]\/"

# Functions & classes =========================================================
def _undefined_pattern(value, fn, undefined):
    If ``fn(value) == True``, return `undefined`, else `value`.
    if fn(value):
        return undefined

    return value

[docs]class MARCXMLQuery(MARCXMLSerializer): """ This class defines highlevel getters over MARC XML / OAI records. """ def __init__(self, xml=None, resort=True): super(MARCXMLQuery, self).__init__(xml, resort) def _parse_corporations(self, datafield, subfield, roles=["any"]): """ Parse informations about corporations from given field identified by `datafield` parameter. Args: datafield (str): MARC field ID ("``110``", "``610``", etc..) subfield (str): MARC subfield ID with name, which is typically stored in "``a``" subfield. roles (str): specify which roles you need. Set to ``["any"]`` for any role, ``["dst"]`` for distributors, etc.. For details, see Returns: list: :class:`Corporation` objects. """ if len(datafield) != 3: raise ValueError( "datafield parameter have to be exactly 3 chars long!" ) if len(subfield) != 1: raise ValueError( "Bad subfield specification - subield have to be 3 chars long!" ) parsed_corporations = [] for corporation in self.get_subfields(datafield, subfield): other_subfields = corporation.other_subfields # check if corporation have at least one of the roles specified in # 'roles' parameter of function if "4" in other_subfields and roles != ["any"]: corp_roles = other_subfields["4"] # list of role parameters relevant = any(map(lambda role: role in roles, corp_roles)) # skip non-relevant corporations if not relevant: continue name = "" place = "" date = "" name = corporation if "c" in other_subfields: place = ",".join(other_subfields["c"]) if "d" in other_subfields: date = ",".join(other_subfields["d"]) parsed_corporations.append(Corporation(name, place, date)) return parsed_corporations def _parse_persons(self, datafield, subfield, roles=["aut"]): """ Parse persons from given datafield. Args: datafield (str): code of datafield ("010", "730", etc..) subfield (char): code of subfield ("a", "z", "4", etc..) role (list of str): set to ["any"] for any role, ["aut"] for authors, etc.. For details see Main records for persons are: "100", "600" and "700", subrecords "c". Returns: list: Person objects. """ # parse authors parsed_persons = [] raw_persons = self.get_subfields(datafield, subfield) for person in raw_persons: # check if person have at least one of the roles specified in # 'roles' parameter of function other_subfields = person.other_subfields if "4" in other_subfields and roles != ["any"]: person_roles = other_subfields["4"] # list of role parameters relevant = any(map(lambda role: role in roles, person_roles)) # skip non-relevant persons if not relevant: continue # result of .strip() is string, so ind1/2 in MARCSubrecord are lost ind1 = person.i1 ind2 = person.i2 person = person.strip() name = "" second_name = "" surname = "" title = "" # here it gets nasty - there is lot of options in ind1/ind2 # parameters if ind1 == "1" and ind2 == " ": if "," in person: surname, name = person.split(",", 1) elif " " in person: surname, name = person.split(" ", 1) else: surname = person if "c" in other_subfields: title = ",".join(other_subfields["c"]) elif ind1 == "0" and ind2 == " ": name = person.strip() if "b" in other_subfields: second_name = ",".join(other_subfields["b"]) if "c" in other_subfields: surname = ",".join(other_subfields["c"]) elif ind1 == "1" and ind2 == "0" or ind1 == "0" and ind2 == "0": name = person.strip() if "c" in other_subfields: title = ",".join(other_subfields["c"]) parsed_persons.append( Person( name.strip(), second_name.strip(), surname.strip(), title.strip() ) ) return parsed_persons @remove_hairs_decorator
[docs] def get_name(self): """ Returns: str: Name of the book. Raises: KeyError: When name is not specified. """ return "".join(self.get_subfields("245", "a"))
[docs] def get_subname(self, undefined=""): """ Args: undefined (optional): Argument, which will be returned if the `subname` record is not found. Returns: str: Subname of the book or `undefined` if `subname` is not \ found. """ return _undefined_pattern( "".join(self.get_subfields("245", "b")), lambda x: x.strip() == "", undefined )
[docs] def get_price(self, undefined=""): """ Args: undefined (optional): Argument, which will be returned if the `price` record is not found. Returns: str: Price of the book (with currency) or `undefined` if `price` \ is not found. """ return _undefined_pattern( "".join(self.get_subfields("020", "c")), lambda x: x.strip() == "", undefined )
[docs] def get_part(self, undefined=""): """ Args: undefined (optional): Argument, which will be returned if the `part` record is not found. Returns: str: Which part of the book series is this record or `undefined` \ if `part` is not found. """ return _undefined_pattern( "".join(self.get_subfields("245", "p")), lambda x: x.strip() == "", undefined )
[docs] def get_part_name(self, undefined=""): """ Args: undefined (optional): Argument, which will be returned if the `part_name` record is not found. Returns: str: Name of the part of the series. or `undefined` if `part_name`\ is not found. """ return _undefined_pattern( "".join(self.get_subfields("245", "n")), lambda x: x.strip() == "", undefined )
[docs] def get_publisher(self, undefined=""): """ Args: undefined (optional): Argument, which will be returned if the `publisher` record is not found. Returns: str: Name of the publisher ("``Grada``" for example) or \ `undefined` if `publisher` is not found. """ publishers = set([ remove_hairs_fn(publisher) for publisher in self["260b "] + self["264b"] ]) return _undefined_pattern( ", ".join(publishers), lambda x: x.strip() == "", undefined )
[docs] def get_pub_date(self, undefined=""): """ Args: undefined (optional): Argument, which will be returned if the `pub_date` record is not found. Returns: str: Date of publication (month and year usually) or `undefined` \ if `pub_date` is not found. """ dates = self["260c "] + self["264c"] def clean_date(date): """ Clean the `date` strings from special characters, but leave sequences of numbers followed by -. So: [2015]- -> 2015 2015- -> 2015- """ out = "" was_digit = False for c in date: if c.isdigit() or (c == "-" and was_digit) or c == " ": out += c was_digit = c.isdigit() return out # clean all the date strings dates = set([ clean_date(date) for date in self["260c "] + self["264c"] ]) return _undefined_pattern( ", ".join(dates), lambda x: x.strip() == "", undefined )
[docs] def get_pub_order(self, undefined=""): """ Args: undefined (optional): Argument, which will be returned if the `pub_order` record is not found. Returns: str: Information about order in which was the book published or \ `undefined` if `pub_order` is not found. """ return _undefined_pattern( "".join(self.get_subfields("901", "f")), lambda x: x.strip() == "", undefined )
[docs] def get_pub_place(self, undefined=""): """ Args: undefined (optional): Argument, which will be returned if the `pub_place` record is not found. Returns: str: Name of city/country where the book was published or \ `undefined` if `pub_place` is not found. """ places = set([ remove_hairs_fn(place) for place in self["260a "] + self["264a"] ]) return _undefined_pattern( ", ".join(places), lambda x: x.strip() == "", undefined )
[docs] def get_format(self, undefined=""): """ Args: undefined (optional): Argument, which will be returned if the `format` record is not found. Returns: str: Dimensions of the book ('``23 cm``' for example) or `undefined` if `format` is not found. """ return _undefined_pattern( "".join(self.get_subfields("300", "c")), lambda x: x.strip() == "", undefined )
[docs] def get_authors(self): """ Returns: list: Authors represented as :class:`.Person` objects. """ authors = self._parse_persons("100", "a") authors += self._parse_persons("600", "a") authors += self._parse_persons("700", "a") authors += self._parse_persons("800", "a") return authors
[docs] def get_corporations(self, roles=["dst"]): """ Args: roles (list, optional): Specify which types of corporations you need. Set to ``["any"]`` for any role, ``["dst"]`` for distributors, etc.. Note: See for details. Returns: list: :class:`.Corporation` objects specified by roles parameter. """ corporations = self._parse_corporations("110", "a", roles) corporations += self._parse_corporations("610", "a", roles) corporations += self._parse_corporations("710", "a", roles) corporations += self._parse_corporations("810", "a", roles) return corporations
[docs] def get_distributors(self): """ Returns: list: Distributors represented as :class:`.Corporation` object. """ return self.get_corporations(roles=["dst"])
def _clean_isbn(self, isbn): """ Clean ISBN from other information (binding). """ return isbn.strip().split(" ", 1)[0]
[docs] def get_invalid_ISBNs(self): """ Get list of invalid ISBN (``020z``). Returns: list: List with INVALID ISBN strings. """ return [ self._clean_isbn(isbn) for isbn in self["020z"] ]
[docs] def get_ISBNs(self): """ Get list of VALID ISBN. Returns: list: List with *valid* ISBN strings. """ invalid_isbns = set(self.get_invalid_ISBNs()) valid_isbns = [ self._clean_isbn(isbn) for isbn in self["020a"] if self._clean_isbn(isbn) not in invalid_isbns ] if valid_isbns: return valid_isbns # this is used sometimes in czech national library return [ self._clean_isbn(isbn) for isbn in self["901i"] ]
[docs] def get_invalid_ISSNs(self): """ Get list of invalid ISSNs (``022z`` + ``022y``). Returns: list: List with INVALID ISSN strings. """ return [ self._clean_isbn(issn) for issn in self["022z"] + self["022y"] ]
[docs] def get_ISSNs(self): """ Get list of VALID ISSNs (``022a``). Returns: list: List with *valid* ISSN strings. """ invalid_issns = set(self.get_invalid_ISSNs()) return [ self._clean_isbn(issn) for issn in self["022a"] if self._clean_isbn(issn) not in invalid_issns ]
[docs] def get_linking_ISSNs(self): """ Get list of linking ISSNs (``022l``). Returns: list: List with linking ISSN strings. """ return [ self._clean_isbn(issn) for issn in self["022l"] ]
def _filter_binding(self, binding): """ Filter binding from ISBN record. In MARC XML / OAI, the binding information is stored in same subrecord as ISBN. Example: ``<subfield code="a">80-251-0225-4 (brož.) :</subfield>`` -> ``brož.``. """ binding = binding.strip().split(" ", 1)[-1] # isolate bind. from ISBN binding = remove_hairs_fn(binding) # remove special chars from binding return binding.split(":")[-1].strip()
[docs] def get_binding(self): """ Returns: list: Array of strings with bindings (``["brož."]``) or blank list. """ # binding is stored after space in ISBN return [ self._filter_binding(binding) for binding in self["020a"] if "-" in binding and " " in binding ]
[docs] def get_originals(self): """ Returns: list: List of strings with names of original books (names of books\ in original language, before translation). """ return self.get_subfields("765", "t")
[docs] def get_urls(self): """ Content of field ``856u42``. Typically URL pointing to producers homepage. Returns: list: List of URLs defined by producer. """ urls = self.get_subfields("856", "u", i1="4", i2="2") return map(lambda x: x.replace("&amp;", "&"), urls)
[docs] def get_internal_urls(self): """ URL's, which may point to edeposit, aleph, kramerius and so on. Fields ``856u40``, ``998a`` and ``URLu``. Returns: list: List of internal URLs. """ internal_urls = self.get_subfields("856", "u", i1="4", i2="0") internal_urls.extend(self.get_subfields("998", "a")) internal_urls.extend(self.get_subfields("URL", "u")) return map(lambda x: x.replace("&amp;", "&"), internal_urls)
[docs] def get_pub_type(self): """ Returns: PublicationType: :class:`.PublicationType` enum **value**. """ INFO_CHAR_INDEX = 6 SECOND_INFO_CHAR_I = 18 if not len(self.leader) >= INFO_CHAR_INDEX + 1: return PublicationType.monographic if self.controlfields.get("FMT") == "SE": return PublicationType.continuing info_char = self.leader[INFO_CHAR_INDEX] multipart_n = self.get_subfields("245", "n", exception=False) multipart_p = self.get_subfields("245", "p", exception=False) if info_char in "acd": return PublicationType.monographic elif info_char in "bis": return PublicationType.continuing elif info_char == "m" and (multipart_n or multipart_p): return PublicationType.multipart_monograph elif info_char == "m" and len(self.leader) >= SECOND_INFO_CHAR_I + 1: if self.leader[SECOND_INFO_CHAR_I] == "a": return PublicationType.multipart_monograph elif self.leader[SECOND_INFO_CHAR_I] == " ": return PublicationType.single_unit return PublicationType.monographic
[docs] def is_monographic(self): """ Returns: bool: True if the record is monographic. """ return self.get_pub_type() == PublicationType.monographic
[docs] def is_multi_mono(self): """ Returns: bool: True if the record is multi_mono. """ return self.get_pub_type() == PublicationType.multipart_monograph
[docs] def is_continuing(self): """ Returns: bool: True if the record is continuing. """ return self.get_pub_type() == PublicationType.continuing
[docs] def is_single_unit(self): """ Returns: bool: True if the record is single unit. """ return self.get_pub_type() == PublicationType.single_unit
[docs] def __getitem__(self, item): """ Query inteface shortcut for :meth:`.MARCXMLParser.get_ctl_fields` and :meth:`.MARCXMLParser.get_subfields`. First three characters are considered as `datafield`, next character as `subfield` and optionaly, two others as `i1` / `i2` parameters. Returned value is str/None in case of ``len(item)`` == 3 (ctl_fields) or list (or blank list) in case of ``len(item) >= 4``. Returns: list/str: See :meth:`.MARCXMLParser.get_subfields` for details, or\ None in case that nothing was found. """ if not isinstance(item, basestring): raise ValueError("Only str/unicode indexes are supported!") if len(item) == 3: val = self.controlfields.get(item, None) if val: return val return self.datafields.get(item, None) if len(item) < 3: raise ValueError( "Required at least 3 chars for field id." ) if len(item) > 6: raise ValueError( "Too many indexing characters. use 4-6." ) datafield = item[:3] subfield = item[3] i1 = None i2 = None if len(item) >= 5: i1 = item[4] if len(item) >= 6: i2 = item[5] return self.get_subfields( datafield=datafield, subfield=subfield, i1=i1, i2=i2, exception=False )
[docs] def get(self, item, alt=None): """ Standard dict-like .get() method. Args: item (str): See :meth:`.__getitem__` for details. alt (default None): Alternative value, if item is not found. Returns: obj: `item` or `alt`, if item is not found. """ try: val = self[item] except ValueError: return alt return val if val is not None else alt